>>5960415>>5960438>>5960480>>5960377>11 Total - Some small amount of the sample will be usable when examined later.The elevator chimes and you find the waiting car to be blessedly empty this time and more importantly no longer smelling like the inside of an overused welding mask. While it took some time to get used to the canned air of the ship after living most of your life planetside, you have come to appreciate the efficiency of the air scrubbers when the life support system decides to actually do its job.
A short ride later you emerge onto Deck 5, known more colloquially as the ‘rec deck’, where most of the mess and exercise facilities are located. You find the local transport hub moderately busy and you immediately flick your eyes to try to check your HUD for the time, only to find it missing. You curse softly, annoyed at how quickly you got used to using the convenient clock only to have it taken away just as fast. You instead fish around in your pocket for a ubiquitous datapad and confirm that it is indeed past twenty-two-hundred hours — the official start of gamma watch’s day.
Many familiar faces pass through the crossroads going about their morning routine — some opting to head straight for the mess to eat a hearty breakfast, while others preferring to get their daily physical training done with early. You observe even a not-insignificant amount of crew even beginning their day by visiting the holo-sim chambers for morning meditation or other such personal practices. You however have only one destination in mind.
Following your nose, you cross through the foot traffic without getting in too many people’s way. You’re grateful your Father didn’t keep you any longer than he did, another hour or two and you’d have had to deal with the peak traffic that always comes with a changing of the watch. You quickly arrive at the Officer’s mess and are about to enter and investigate what delectable smelling grub the galley has served up this morning when you bump into a welcome face.
<span class="mu-b">Please assign one of your two <span class="mu-s">[Synergy: Rank A+ (88%)]</span> values to:
>Your Navigation Officer, Cleo, who quite literally bumps into you as she jogs laps around the wide main corridors.>Your Tactical Officer, Coen, just emerging from across the corridor from a reading room, deftly dodging traffic without looking up from his datapad.>Your Science Officer, EoN, emerging from the mess in a flap about something that’s upset her.>Your Communications Officer, Isobel, who intercepts you at the mess hatch looking particularly smug about something she’s heard. >Your Engineering Officer, FoZ, who has inadvertently blocked your path while he gazes vacantly at a bulkhead.</span>