You are called many things. Since your journey began, you have accrued nicknames and titles. To the dark-skinned and famine-shortened elves of Wevenore, you are King Theral of Bloodrise, the Copper Dragon King. Your true name is a private thing, spoken rarely and only when absolutely necessary, as is the tradition of the Master Race who created you. To your masters—the Dark Gods Beyond and Blow, and their sacred Serpent Priesthood, you hold an even grander title, and a more transcendent duty.
>LEVEL UP>+1 Religion for your approach to Death and the Dark Gods, and your missionary zeal>+1 Elementalism, for your reliance on earth and moon magic, and your deployment and taming of the lightning elemental[ Updated statblock, portrait, and inventory are off to the side. For those of your just joining us, this quest and its (not-mandatory-reading-at-all precursor are at ]
Well, alright. Maybe not EVERYONE is on board with your assumption of the role of regional despot… Or as self-appointed Dark Prophet of a new paradigm in the True Faith. Certainly, your immediately superior—the Chaplain of the northernmost base where your subversive agents and assassins gather to manipulate and destroy surface-scum society—hasn’t given any explicit blessing. The Gods who you BOTH serve, though, have blessed you and your mission repeatedly.
You have sacrificed to the Serpent Ascendant and earned his blessings. You have uncovered hidden mysteries and knowledge for the Baleful Beholder. By their blessings, you grow stronger and wiser each passing day, more and more like a True Dragon of old!
You have made treaty and alliance—even conjugal, to your mixed feelings—with the Lady of the rookery, called Mother of Dragons, and with the priestess-princess of her pet race of silk-spinning glowworms. In doing so, you have convinced the capricious deity not to abandon your people or your cause.
You have treated with, and made an ally of, DEATH HIMSELF.
(Even if that meant incurring repeated debts to him)
You’ve lost friends and allies along the way, but made many more. You have discovered your capacity to love, and be loved, and found the strength which comes from that. Your worldview has widened and expanded, and by this virtue you have forged the beginnings of a Dark Alliance to set the foundations of the earth to trembling!