With shocking strength you tug on Chica's shoulders bringing her back slightly before Bonnie shoves her off
"The heck Chica?!"
Chica doesn't respond moving erratically, if she could understand Bonnie before, she certainly can't now!
"Dude this bad!" Bonnie looks to you
"Yeah no shit." you swear hands regripping the axe you had discarded a moment ago.
"Alright I don't know what's going on, but if we wear her down enough we should be able to hit the reboot on her neck dude!" Bonnie mentions
You nod, this isn't how you expected this night to go. But since you're here.
"Let's do this!" you mention
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUcmp_DzB4Eroll 2d100!