You speak the word with the same divinely-granted authority you did before and, sure enough, the Goliath and its kin oblige you. Obediently, the rock-monsters roll or stumble backwards, while the Goliath itself sinks with eerie smoothness and silence into the cave floor, until it is as if the titanic beats was never there to begin with.
You and your retinue all breathe a sigh of relief to see it gone.
“Thank the gods,” Ekaterine murmurs.
“Oursss, not yoursss,” the Novice reminds her swiftly, drawing a glare for Eka before she switches back to the Trye Speech: “Let us depart.”
All heads pivot towards you, Ekaterine taking a second longer due to the language barrier.
“First,” you say, ‘we loot. But be quick about it. I do not know how long the rock-monsters will remain in my thrall.”
The Novice hisses irritably, but Olu’s face split into a grin, and he immediately sets to work. You join him and, grudgingly, so too does the Novice. Ekaterine hovers at your side, watching curiously as often as she glances fearfully in the direction this place’s inhabitants departed.