Quoted By:
[CATASTROVANIA] "Proceed on foot.... run like the wind."
[SIQARIYIM] "Wind is our name, ma'am."
[04:39 hours]
Our agents are proceeding on foot towards the installation. We choose not to inflict additional sabotages and test our luck. A wise choice, as sabotaging the pumphouse would have tripped an alarm system, we find.
[SIQARIYIM] "Hold on tight."
[TZEL] "Oh dear."
Our Siqariyim have successfully snuck out of the building and departed. They are moving on foot, maintaining a high speed of around 60mph on foot to quickly cross the distance.
However, along the way, we realize some trouble.
Our unit grinds to a halt in the middle of a field and quickly ducks for cover behind large rocks set about the place.
[TZEL] "Command, do you copy? What is wrong?! Have we been compromised?"
[CATASTROVANIA] "I just realized something. You guys are all running right through their defenses!"
[SIQARIYIM] "Ma'am, requesting elaboration. We took care to avoid lookouts and watch towers on this course so far, eliminating at least two on the way discreetly."
[CATASTROVANIA] "It's not them you need to be worried over. I just figured out why those open fields are there. Why there's just seemingly big open, empty spaces of field between the ground developments. It took me a minute but the forms seem consistent across different Samurai forts and... you're basically all tripping out their unseen defenses! They've got tons of hidden cameras and motion sensor equipment all over those fields! They've probably got Immortals hooked up as hardware, dedicated to monitoring each and every camera, motion sensor and what have you!"
[CATASTROVANIA] "But... but no alarms have been tripped. Our ACS thingy can't even tell if any silent alarms have been..."
[SIQARIYIM] "We're holding position. Awaiting further instructions. Over."
It took us about twenty additional minutes, but we looked into the issue.
It seems a bug has hit the Castle's systems at this time, from what the ACS can tell. We teleported some technicians of our own a ways away from the Castle out into the wilderness with equipment to monitor the frequencies. We picked up the Samurai reporting this bug.
Whatever caused it... it made their motion sensors, the worst thing we could run into on this op, go offline...
Our Siqariyim are invisible for the time being.
We suspect this is the unseen work of the Luck of Kei we used.
[The Luck's effects have taken root. This is our Luck on this mission.]
[CATASTROVANIA] "You all lucked out... proceed, and fast."