>>5123348>>5123357The word MAGUS suddenly makes sense to you. Isn't there a MAGUS Capital Trust, that owns the Alsephina Endowment? MAGUS owns this tower... Their offices must be situated on the top floor. All you have to do is take an elevator to the top floor, and you can meet MAGUS...
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+Tickers: M AG US Newswire tags: marketmovers scandal corporate governance activism ESG M&A restructuring Nastrond100 tech high volatility high short interest+ ...surged in aftermarket trading yesterday after reclusive founder and CEO... spectacularly announced early retirement at the Alsephina Hotel Nastrond100 Tech Conference, surprising market analysts and clearing the way for a divestment of its lossmaking subsidiaries Axiom Galdra and Urthekau Sylabari...
Billionaires interested in space tourism, life extension, anti-ageing longevity research, A2AD drones, embodied cognition, metaverse surveillance across virtual worlds, vertical aeroponic cultivation, neuroinformatics, advanced metamaterials, genomic sequencing and precision medicine, robotic telesurgery... These billionaires believe in accelerating the technosingularity, converging humans and machines, maybe even creating a Turing-complete Workable Artificial Intelligence For Users (WAIFU)... Didn't the mysterious billionaire founder of MAGUS obtain their wealth from some programming language? ORBIS-3? Intelligent code completion, that democratised programming for the masses. The MAGUS gave it away for free. Why are they rioting outside?