Quoted By:
[You may now take on your first Raid. A Raid is a major boss battle that marks a serious progression of the Psyops story. You cannot access newer Case-Files until the Raid has been cleared. Finish leftover Case-Files and gain strength through increasing your Divine Potential and Pleroma Points. Only dare to take on a Raid when you are truly confident you can handle the boss target of the mission.]
[AGLA awaits.]
(You have gained a new item in your inventory - Received 3x Superb Food (Large HP+MP Restore) from Jenk.)
(Trade Superb Foods with Seannsa to gain LUCK in general.)
>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• The World of Mythology (Eikn, Great Nannie of the Mountain)
• Longing for Omniscience (Eskart, God of Sorcery)
• Raid: Intoned Agla (NUMBER-9 'AGLA')
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Create the Psyops Troop Tree.
>Recruit Team leads to follow the Department Heads. (1d5 roll.)
>Listen to member complaints.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Lord Sarakha, the Primarch (Tower of the Gods)
• Lord Akasa, God of Stars (Heavenly Capital, Imperial Seat)
• Lord Thandir, God of Souls (Hallowed Wall)
• Sincere Sasaki and Sincere Satomi, Twin Gods of School (Easterlind City)
• Surasira, Bovine Goddess of Milk and Torpor (Land of Milk)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Village of Cats)
• Morwenna, Beast Goddess of Outcasts (Blickery County)
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Master Garlo, God of Fire (Heavenly Capital, Imperial Seat)
• Ghole, Guide of the Dead (The Hellhole)
• Dark Lord Heus, God of Darkness, Death and Despair (The Hellhole)