>>6158027Unluckily, you’re followed by the mayor and a half dozen cultists instead of by the Stranger, “Do you have any idea what you’re ruining!” The pudgy man wheezes, his eyes red from both the smoke and his own insanity, “Everything we sacrificed-” Before the man can go on a long tirade about his backstory or whatever, a bottle of fire flies through the mist, directly impacting the mayor on his fat cheek leading to a rather comical display of rippling fat as the glass explodes into shards of glass and fire. The mayor, along with multiple other cultists, are consumed in the roaring flame as it melts their skin and flesh from their bones. The others are so stunned they don’t witness the Stranger running past them, summoning another molotov in his hand and throwing it at the wooden walkway between them and him. Without words shared, the two of you leave the cultists to a trapped demise in a collapsing cavern of fire that not even the kraken manages to escape from.
The breeze feels nice once you manage to get out of the cave, only having to clean up two more cultists left as a rear guard to get here. You give Johan and yourself a minute to catch your breath before you give him a questioning look, “So, about that Cheat Skill of yours.”
“Come on, man. You’re not even going to thank me?” He asks exasperated.
You just roll your eyes.