>>5906151<span class="mu-r">When the Dragon King releases his breath, it is with a rumble like a volcano and a plume of acrid, ashen smoke to match—a foul smog which fills the room and causes the Unseelie and Infiltrator to exchange a worried glance. When he rises, both figures feel the uncanny pressure of his ascent—a sudden urge in their necks to bow, in their joints to kneel. A <Fearsome Presence> seizes them both, so that they fall trembling at his feet.
“WHERE?!” he roars, with a voice that shakes the room like unholy thunder from Beyond, like an eruption from Below.
“Th-th-the Sylvan Realms!” the Unseelie shrieks, shielding its face and head and prostrating itself. “He’s in the Sylvan Realms!”
The figure in the shadows take another breath—inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Eventually, a stoic calm settles upon him. He left Bloodrise to make amends with Queen Ekaterine, yes, but not ONLY for that cause. He ahs other duties, duties beyond those for a husband or Prince Consort. Duties befitting of the one called Dark Prophet of the Coming Age, Prince of Love, Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise, Champion of the Reptilian Master Race, and Knight Ascendant of the Dark God of Glorious Bloodshed.
Theral, The Dragonborn Antipaladin, has unknowingly entered a collision course with all that you hold dear. One way or another, fate has decreed a meeting between the Dark Gods’ greatest and most terrible champion and you—Ezreal ‘Tips’ Mious Van Houtzmann. You do not know it yet, cannot even GUESS at what is to come, and yet this next decision which he makes will define the outcome of your conflict, and the fate of the entire universe.
He reaches out to his bedside table and grasps…</span>
>The Amulet of Disguise, to assume the guise of Hawksong’s Prince Consort>The Amulet of the Dragon, to take on his Dagonshape war-form as King of Bloodrise