Quoted By:
"I'm a good Little One, waking up Baba to help her cook tacos~
I'm a good Little One, singing in the fields to encourage my friends~
I'm a good Little One, thanking the Earth and Trees for hosting Our family~
But I long for the Hammock, to be a host for Tallies and a guest of the Emperor~
I'm a good Little Princess, waking Our guests with fresh tacos~
I'm a good Little Princess, singing to entertain Our guests~
I'm a good Little Princess, thanking Our guests for allowing Us to host them~"
Your song wasn't as intense as your friends, but they enjoyed it all the same. You continued on the trail towards Deep Waters while making music and crossed paths with another troupe of Youthies. They watched you play your music and were intrigued by it, so one of them copied the style and began singing about how much he wanted to build the tallest building so he could see the whole Lingdom from the sky. You all played for a bit before saying your goodbyes and sharing snacks. It seemed that Puki's musical style might be more popular than she believed.
As the sun began to set, you entered a marshy land, a planked path continued to lead on to Deep Waters. The trees soared much higher, and as it got dark the fairies and ghosts rose from the waters, illuminating the path. Kari was spooked and held onto Bubu's arm the whole way while you chatted with Puki from behind.
<span class="mu-r">"Bubu really likes ghosts, doesn't he?"</span> said Puki.
You told her how inquisitive Bubu has always been and how it was hard to hold hands with him during your marches because he often got distracted by every little thing that was remotely interesting.
At the end of the path was a lake, illuminated by fairies and ghosts. At the center of the lake was a village, built entirely on a grove of swamp trees, the outlines of buildings are easily seen from the bright blooms on the trees.
<span class="mu-i">They don't look like it, but the trees at Deep Waters are probably the tallest in the Lingdom! You are only seeing the upper third of the trees, the rest submerged deep in the waters.</span>
A few rafts were tied to the shore, so you took one with your friends and paddled to the village. Crockos, dog-sized crocodiles, converged onto the raft and swam along it. Moochy pawed at a crocko's head, so it snapped its toothless jaw at Moochy and pulled him into the waters, getting him wet. The crocko chuckled in a monotonous and creaky tone as Moochy struggled to climb back onto the raft. Puki laughed at Moochy's misfortune while Bubu took his paddle and tapped it onto the crocko's head as Kari jumped into the waters to help Moochy back onto the raft.