The group prepares for combat with the giant spider- thankfully only a solitary hunter this time; and not as stealthy as one would think.
>>5547684Out of nowhere, Young James notches and arrow and winks an eye. "I'll show ye spoiled city folk how we deal with critters like this!"
Then, loosing the arrow, his bow strikes true and he splits the Spider's face- nasty yellow ichor pours from its wound as the giant bug crumples. Its legs still pulse and twitch in unnatural life for a short time even after it had been smote.
<span class="mu-b">"Wow, nice shot!"</span>
"I told ya so! Nobody is better with a Bow then yours truly. You made the right choice bringing me along."
The old man hunkers down by the twitching spider corpse, flicking a blade near its mandibles.
<span class="mu-r">"What in the name of all that is good are you doing? You aren't seriously going to eat that thing?"</span>
Young James rolls his eyes at the one-legged priest.
"No, ya grace. I'm going to extract its venom glands. Could be useful for later..."