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“<span class="mu-i">Aye-aye!</span>” The ‘Locusts’ yelled energetically in unison.
“Hahah, yeah. That’s the spirit. Alright!” Butch steps aside from the center, letting Winslow take center stage. “Chief, take it away.”
“My team has gone through this before so allow us to recap things for you yanks. We’re looking for an individual codenamed Poison, he is a high-ranking FARC commander in charge of a rebel contingent numbering in the eighties. The CIA suspects Poison and his rebels are responsible for over thirty-six attacks against government military personnel and hardware over the last few months in Eastern Colombia. These aren’t numbers to shrug off—this is a sign that the FARC is becoming bolder, as US support for Colombia continues to wane.”
He takes a rolled-up paper from a pouch on his vest and spreads it out on the table, revealing the map of the FARC encampment from the prior briefing. “This here is the Animal Pen, an encampment near the Venezuelan border off the Rio Arauca river, where the rebels are garrisoned. The camp itself is split into three sections: NAI 1, also known as “Cordelia”, is the camp’s general housing facility, where the rebels live. NAI 2 “Regan” is the storage installation of the camp, where resources and supplies are kept. Lastly, there is NAI 3 “Goneril”; this is the command center for Poison’s contingent, where officers link up during the day to discuss, plan and conduct their operations.”
“The security inside the perimeter is tight, with 30 guerrilla fighters guarding the site at all times in six-hour rotations. At night, that number increases to 45, with the additional 15 rebels tasked to patrol the surrounding outskirts of the camp in teams of five. Be advised: <span class="mu-s">We have civilians present in the AO</span> - Some officers have brought their family members to live with them at the encampment—<span class="mu-s">primarily at Cordelia</span>, while <span class="mu-s">Poison’s family permanently resides at Goneril.</span> Any questions before we proceed to preparations and planning?”
The Locusts remained quiet. Taking this as a yes, Winslow beckons to Butch to take over and steps back next to you.
“Thank you, Chief.” Butch walks forward, now assuming the center stage of the room once more. He takes a few colored markers and begins drawing on the map. “This op will be a simultaneous snatch and grab and search and destroy. To do this, we will have <span class="mu-s">two forward fireteams of five operators</span> infiltrating the encampment. Team 1’s objective is to enter NAI - Goneril and <span class="mu-s">immediately secure Poison, and perform sensitive site exploitation for any intel</span> before exfil. For identity verification, <span class="mu-s">look for the fatass who wears a black beret and a mask. That’s Poison.</span> Team 2 on the other hand will make their way to NAI - Regan with the task of handling <span class="mu-s">weapons inspection and demolition to permanently cripple the FARC’s future offensive capabilities.</span>”