[coin flip: two heads]
Janny stays at the entrance of the mess hall, while Hemya sneaks in.
Hemya stuffed a plastic cup with some trash and launched it into the far corner of the room.
Two of the mutant children ran over and began searching the area.
One of the mutant women slowly followed them.
Our girl managed to sneak into the tent next to the prisoner.
There are a lot of empty sleeping places and one immobile mutant that has his head covered in bloody rags.
He does not seem to be aware that there is a human near by.
The fat mutant child continues munching on grilled meat right in front of the poor, malnourished prisoner.
His friends are still busy searching for some rodent in the far corner.
Two mutant women are tending to their kitchen, currently.
>kill [specify]>cut the prisoner free>knock over the two fire places in the mutt kitchen>>5819174Damn, you confused me for a moment.
Please look at/read this post again: