Princess Miannie does as you request, showing no outward sign of irritation at least. She also doesn’t ask you what you require of her, though, and begins to turn around again before you speak up:
“What about my… Condition? My intangibility?”
“Intangibility?” she asks, then seems to clue in. “Oh. Ezreal Mious, you aren’t any less tangible. You are simply capable of passing through lower strata of… Well, I guess one could call it ‘matter’, but that’s not entirely accurate.”
“But I can’t CONTROL it,” you complain.
“The Sacrae Scholae Lunae will help you with that,” she says.
The Divine Princess begins to dissipate—no, to scatter and reshape from her physical form into that <Free Movement> form she’d adopted on your way here, abstract and incomprehensible to you. There’s so, SO much you want to ask her, and when will you ever get such a chance again?! You can’t ask it all—it would be heinously rude, and you get the feeling she lacks the time or inclination. You instead ask the most pressing in that moment—one you hope will help you piece together the great puzzle that is the universe itself.
“The Bonum Legale… What are they, then?”
The outline of your people’s patron begins to resolidify again, as she regards you with… Something. Sympathy? Pity?
“Of course,” she says, more to herself than you by your assessment. “You wish to know about your other half.”
That’s not… EXCATLY what you meant, but you’re loathe to interrupt her. Whatever she’s about to say—and however different it is from an answer to your ACTUAL question, it’s definitely something you’re excited to understand: the origins of Man!
“The other Gods of Light, who call themselves the Gods of Law and Justice… Their goals are in alignment with ours. The understand the importance of setting creation right, of making the world better. Their methods differ, though. As you yourself know, we of the ‘Bonum Chaoticum’ believe in guidance, in nurturing, and in sharing. As you did for the humans in Hawksong, we did for the elves, and other fairy races: we shared and mixed our essence with them, and sent our envoys to lead them into the light.”
She pauses. You don’t say anything else, afraid to interrupt.