>>6170898I was thinking something just like that, in fact! By filling about thirty water-balloons with expanding riot foam and getting clever with the pneumatics of a launch-type air-barrel derived system, it might actually be possible to get some kind of deterrent. They do it during riots, I don't see why we couldn't do it. In fact, we might even be able to ping the Rootpiercers and ask if they have any schematics lying around.
It obviously won't stop full deployment of VTOL systems because there are counter-measures, but it will certainly assist. With a bit of work, we could probably mount it on a car. Best part is unlike carrying a rocket guided artillery system, you don't get arrested on suspecion of being suspecious when you drive downtown.
Good thinking, TS.
Well, okay, so your ID is-- listen we-- no, no, I get it. Good opsec. I got a t-shirt delivered to an unlisted address today. We should all take our security more seriously.
>>6170869Right, let's see... Hm. I think if we pre-load a few rapid exchange belts for the shotguns, and shave off some of the internal ruggedness and exchange the barrels for shorter versions you'll find they work better in closer quarters. Dragon put that down. What'd you even do it ? Why would you do that ? Well, fine, but just don't hold it sideways, it doesn't make you cool.
Running some tactical network integrations on the on-board C7 systems we can derive a friend-or-foe system, avoids tagging allies a little more, work up some better targetting code that filters out the background noise of an urban environment. And I DID find some smoke grenades. Turns out Agent Meriesweather hasn't turned all our chem-grenades into paint-bombs.
Wirecutters is a good implement, since we might find freaks with coilers again. Not just Mr. Evans. They're very, very popular with the hard street crowd. Showy systems.
Suits aren't bulletproof but with a bit of tactical lining they might at least be passably resilient. Awkward to move in though. Well, it's a work in progress...