>>6137283>>6137492Yes, let's follow the voice deeper into the creepy cave. Disembodied voices have never led you astray before.
You decide to humor the it.
<span class="mu-i">Okey Larry, les git back to da oders. Da Cheif is gon' start wit da big plan soon!</span>
It sounds very excited about this "Plan".
As it starts to lead the way, you bump into every stalagmite, rock and futon the cave has to offer,
all the while, the voice keeps on insisting to try some of it's leftover sammich.
<span class="mu-i">It still gud! Barely dropped it dis mornin’!</span>
As enticing as it sounds, it smells like mushrooms, armpit and a dead rat with a faint hint of vanilla.
You’ve been walking for about 15 minutes now. The darkness feels endless, and though you can’t see anything, there’s still no end in sight.
<span class="mu-s">What now?</span>
> Just keep walking> Try to sneak away> This caves sucks, I'm getting out of here> Write-in