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While you typically work alone, maybe you should … no, no, not this shift. Not with electronics appraised by lot. The only time the bosses do that is when a hulk arrives that has not been completely gutted out yet … which means that you stand to really rake it in, if you can find something juicy enough. You are going to get the two hundred cubits of conduit, then you are going to pull every electronic you possibly can before your tanks run dry. Why would you split up your payday with a partner, when odds are you are going to be doing most of the work anyway? But now that you have decided to work alone, you have to decide if you are going to use a guideline or not.
When working in a hulk, especially one that no one has been into before, many solo-wreckers like yourself will use guidelines. You mount the anchor of the line to the outside of the hull before you go in, then you unwind the spool of guideline as you make your way through the ship. Once you are ready to leave, you simply rewind the spool to find you way out of the ship. The issue with guidelines stems from how the haul of a recovery or a salvage job is determined. You don’t get any credit, any compensation for finding the requested articles – you have to get them onto the ferry. So there have been times, quite a few times, that you have found a lot of what is being looked for, only to end up with someone else working right on top of you, making off with a good chunk of what should have been yours.
And there really isn’t much you can do about it. You have only been certified for two months – you and the others from your graduating class are still the new kids on the block. And while you have made a point of being respectful to the more senior wreckers, you get the sense that they see you more as mark than as coworker. They haven’t taken things that you have actually pulled yet … but you could certainly see that happening. Especially with all of the talents on the table this shift. If they stopped you on your way to the ferry with a load in tow, what the Hell could you do besides hand it over, really? The radios that they give you aren’t ever able to get through the hulls, there are barely any cameras in the boneyard, and none of them are inside any of the hulks. And everyone knows that wreckers have a brutal … turnover.
On the other hand, without a guideline, you stand to lose a lot of time trying to find your way in and out of the hulk. And that time could be better spent recovering electronics. Of course, it also goes without saying that if you get lost bad enough, then you could end up running out of air in there.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Use guideline.
> Do not use guideline.