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anD Yet YOU StiLL kiLLEd THeM ALL FOR a cOmpLEte STRANgeR YoU'vE nEvER Met IN yoUR LiFE. foR ALl yOU KnoW, haLe cOULD haVe bEeN A mUrdeREr oN The RuN. he cOuLD HAve BEEN AnyTHing. a TERroRIsT. a RapiSt. a PeDophIlE. Yet you JUMped To the CONcLUsiOn he WAs InNoCEnt BECaUSe ThE baddy saMuraI were tRyIng TO KiLl HIM... AnD in sO DOiNg, yoU eNDEd THE LIVES OF PEOpLe WhO haD HopES, aSpIRATIONs aND DreAmS juSt THe saME aS YOu Do, horsE. PEopLe whO wERe JusT As HUmAn UndEr ThEiR uPgRADES. pEoplE WHo beLievE in sOmEthiNG.
Shut up! I read Hale's heart! I saw he was genuine! Those Samurai, they were under the orders of Sarakha to kill him!
gooD SOLDIERs foLLoW oRDERs. You'Ll FInD thaT oUT OnE Day WHen YOu'Re fORceD TO HAVe To AsK The abOmInaBLe of yOuR Psyops, HOrSe. yOU SAw HALE wAs gENuINe, but YOU neVER rEAd his miND. never BeGGed thE quEstiOn oF hiS PaST.
yOU LiTtLe IDiot. you LiTTlE fUcKing wORtHlesS MorOn.
You're just dodging your own questions now, Dark One. Yes, I still have plenty to learn about Hale myself, but I can tell he is a good man. You can't pervert my outlook on him. You can't plant seeds of doubt within me. You'll try your best but I know you're only acting this way because... you're afraid.
You're afraid of me. You're afraid of me coming after you.
And so, the Darkness quivered at me.
HOW MaNY bodiEs WIlL YOu StaCk ON YOUr queST FoR So-CaLLeD reDEMpTIoN, redeEmeR?
lIkE Any SOLDIEr, tHeSe samurAi yOu diSMIsS aS nOthInG mORE thAN JUST MindlesS DRONEs Had faMiLies too. FaMIliEs THAt WErE hOpiNg To onE dAY sEe THEm aGAiN. why DoN'T YOU anSwEr thEIR qUESTIOnS?
Over the body of the Ashigaru I killed, I saw specters... no, silhouettes. I saw a family.
[DAUGHTER] "Mommy? Daddy! When is big brother coming back! When is he coming back from the war...? I want to see him again...! I want to see my brother again...!"
[MOTHER] "I don't know, sweetums... I don't know...!"
[FATHER] "Don't.. D-don't worry, my little one. One day, we'll see him again. We'll see everyone again in Heaven..."
[DAUGHTER] "B... But... I want to see my brother... I want to! I want to! I want tooooo...!"
[ASHIGARU] "...grk..... kg..... hkr..."
The body... the body was trying to... trying to reach up for them...
Oh... Oh my... they're... staring right at me...
[FATHER] "Have you seen my son...?"
[MOTHER] "Oh, where has my sweet child gone?!"
[DAUGTER] "Where's my big brother at? Please, we want to see him again!"
[Ģ̶̓Ȉ̷ͅŃ̷͕N̶̼̂U̵̩̎N̴̘̑Ḡ̷̱Ä̶̜́G̴̰̾Ǎ̸̳P̴͔̀] "W H E R E I S H E , M U N A . . . ? I F Y O U K N O W , W H Y N O T T E L L T H E M ?"
WhY nOt, YoU BiTCh? haHAhaHAHahAhAHAhA!
I grabbed my head. I started crawling back, but those specters followed me...
>What do I do...?! How do I confront something like this...?! What do I-