Quoted By:
[Agent Ink]
" Terrace rooftop clear. Field team, you need assistance in there ? I'm hearing a lot of gunfire... "
Agents, move -- Agent Evans can't hold that doorway forever, they just blew through the ballistic shield!
Agent Monarch! DUCK!!
Agent Butterfly, your vitals are --- you are vitals are... Agent Butterfly, I am going to *turn off* your vital monitor and I am not going to comment on your high three digit BPM. I don't know what you just did to yourself, but whatever it is, I think I might want some for those extra long six week shifts.
Agent, you have doped your system on a mass dosis of noradrenaline. You have a functional speed value of 3. Every alacrity moves you 3. And you can - of course - use that Speed as either an Intent or a Secret to accomplish generic major actions for 1 AL.
However and it's a big caveat your body might move fast, but the environment is constrained. You're going to slam into walls and bounce off of corners because at the speed you're moving you're going to build up acceleration!
Which is to all say - if you angle yourself sharply, complications might occur. You can *step carefully*, doing 1 move for 1 Alacrity, but you might as well exploit whatever it was you did to yourself before it wears off. Just be mindful of how fast you end up going! 3 Alacrity into 9 tiles of movement is going to generate 9 tiles of momentum - the faster you go at the end, the more things might go wrong!
>EG: your total move value at the end of a turn rolls a pool to test for complications; the above 9 would roll 9d10.
Tech Support Devonshire, I am noticing you have filled Mammoth's firearms discharge report despite that not being on the docket for tomorrow. And you've organised the picnic. And laid out a menu plan for the next two weeks. And booked Evans a medical checkup for the shock damage. If you're running out of backlogged paperwork, I've got something of mine you can have a look at ...
>You're obviously still in FOCUS MODE.