>>6049076You refocus your mind on the task ahead of you. Less concerned with making noise, you run through the edge of the forest in search of the horses.
You spot three large beasts only a little way down from the camp. Horses for sure.
You think for a moment on how you might eliminate their capacity as escape vehicles. Killing them would do it, but that would make them difficult to haul back. Making them unable to gallop should be good enough. If they can limp, the energy required to transport them freshly back to the cave would be immensely reduced. Perhaps you would be lauded for the accomplishment. Freshly slaughtered horse is a rare treat in the cave. Most animal corpses take days to transport back to the cave, and are thus quite tough.
You make sure to only injure one limb on each horse. The first one was easy, as the beasts had not yet been spooked. The other two animals were more difficult to disable, though you managed a rough strike on each animal's limb.
And like clockwork, each now possesses a lame limb. Beautiful. Mission accomplished, team. Time to go home.
That would be great. Only, your fellow goblins are not finished with their task. Looking over towards the camp, you observe the battle.