Agents! Mr. 'Soap' just granted me access to every camnode in the market -- most of them anyway -- they've got backdoors into *everywhere*. I'm running a filter! I've got a positive mark on TWO of those Cranes! They were laying an ambush, good thing no one went for that spoofer physically.
( Though overriding mesh-spoofers remotely is about eight times as hard, that took the combined focus of everything you threw at it! )
Agent Mammoth, Vennsfield. The flitdrone's got some basic sensor suites and you do as well. Let's... Let's think this through. He's got the same kind of kit as *you*; that shooter can't be far!
Agent Fold, I don't think this is very much in keeping with your health and safety inspection mandate but -- wait! ONE of those ninety-seven randomly fire bullets clipped someone! Hell yeah!
He lured you RIGHT into a spam-zone though! Your system's compromised! The resonators misfired! You flung that motorcycle clean into a wall!
Herbie will try to filter the Compromise now, and if not, deal with it somehow.
Agents Monarch, Butterfly, TS Devonshire, I... oh shit. Are those... teeth? That koi fish, agent Butterfly. It has *teeth*. They use their teeth to communicate yeah yeah and grind food but not-- like predator teeth. Not sharp ones. If you had been any slower, Agent Butterfly, I think it would have *taken a finger*. These fish aren't normal. They're... abnormally aggressive. It's a wonder no one else has gotten hurt. Section off the koi pond! That entire water system is a biohazard zone!!! DON'T GET GET IT ON YOU--
Uhhh TS Devonshire, eheh, hehe, eeh, heheh... uhm. H-hey, c-can you go, uh, put on the tactical filter that got delivered to the drone-zone north of you... p-please?
Agent Graphite, I can't send a APEP gear over the drone network. They're too heavy. You'll get a tactical filter. APEPs are near the van only.
Agent Dragon, you put on the APEP - help Octant into his as well. And since you're *near the van anyway*, you can GEAR UP:
>>6165094 grab a primary, a blade and the Series 2. Just keep it on you for now, we're not good to use it yet but you're getting into the equipment anyway.
>'Heavy' loadout is 1x Primary, 1x Blade, +Tactical.>'but what if I want to dual wi--'>No.--
Agent Serval, are you trying to diplomance those NDLE drones? They -- were feeding the animals? Dr. Despango mark the animals in the market as custom...
oh my god
>REACTION PHASE [1/xx]>Agents who haven't, etc, etc, etc