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Meanwhile, at the docks, the Pink Lady's crew decides on what to purchase for their next voyage, or to upgrade the ship.
You currently have <span class="mu-s">33 Pearls</span> to spend. Everything in the shop can be bought or sold at its listed price here. If you keep at least 10 pearls in hand at the end, you'll get to keep the Gold Pearl given to you by the Matron.
>Small Cannon 23p
>Medium Cannon 32p
>Sail Patch 22p
>Extra Sail 75p
>Quality Musket 4p
>Pistol 5p
>Repair Powder 17p
>Whole Whale Bone 50p (Upgrades ship)
>Cutlass 10p
>Hammock 2p
>Squidskin Hammock 15p
>Harpoons (2 for 1) 1p
>Dredging Net 25p
>Worm Crate 5p
>Standard Cannon Ball 2p
>Grapeshot Cluster 3p
>Piercing Shot 5p
>Chain Shot 6p
>Powder Bag 5p
Trade Goods
>Beachgrass Seed Crate 12p
>Sweetwater Glass Jug 95p
>Assorted Small Corals 18p
>Sea Cloth 40p