>>5627404>>5628638>>5628642>>5628655Morning woeheart. You must feel like <span class="mu-i">shit</span>.Typical way to wake up in your line of work, I hear. I patched you up and dragged you in here. Thanks for getting clingweed all over my logbooks. As a licensed medical professional my frank consult of your state is that I cannot for the life of me tell you why your blood comes out as exotic strands of seaweed.
Nightmare sups are on the night-stand, water canteens under the hammock - the one with the smiling fox carved into it isn't water, it's Vanadian surgeon's whiskey if you really want to lights out for a while - and you should absolutely take some.
Also I pulled this Rainbow Sleeker out of your stomach wound. Very lively fellow. Adorable too. Really sharp teeth though, but that's Rainbow Sleekers for you. All the texts I've ever read about them mention their ferocious bites, subtle humming song and trailing, splendiferous wing that they use to soar briefly above the high waters in grand mating displays. Pytherii Fishers used to call it the Colour-Crayon Tide, take people out in boats to watch them mingle in the sunset. Apparently one of the wonders of the world. Their main route ran through the Pythis River, and up the Flame Falls. You'd have these moments, they write, of rainbows crawling up the waterways. Painters wept to see it.
Beautiful things. Very popular. Also apparently tasted like absolute garbage, totally inedible, but everyone pretended it was high cuisine because it was so beautiful. Anyhow, lots of books about that. And studies too. You know the studies? They're pretty well-cited, since the the Ecologist College made it a whole deal that, oh you know, the <span class="mu-i">Rainbow Sleekers</span> had <span class="mu-i">one mating route</span> that ran primarily through headwaters of the Pythis River. The Pythis River. Most polluted river in the WORLD. All that factory run-off. Doc, they gradually went extinct and have been GONE for TWENTY-THREE YEARS BUT NOOOOO I GOT TO PULL ONE OUT OF YOUR INSIDES LIKE THE WORLD'S MOST BANNED-FROM-BIRTHDAYS PARTY PRESTIDIGATIONIST.
I am in awe of the strange new things I get to try with you around. Thank you.
Also your shiv is too <span class="mu-i">wet</span>. I've dried it off <span class="mu-s">eight times</span> and its still dripping.
Anyhow, I don't think you should move too much for a while. Your skeleton is, uhm, no fine way to put this, your skeleton is simply too spongey. And I think you may be growing gills. But you seem fine!
So, what do want us to call the fish buddy? Lookathimflop. So cute!
+Seastained Shiv
1cold | 1 Mistspeaker
!channel 4: stores up to 4 Mag
+Rainbow Sleeker
>Just... dazzling. And such fine rainbow scales. Maybe they can be used for something?