You are trampling through the gore heap remnants of the revenant as you shout your warning to Cadarn, who blinks and recoils in revulsion as the true face of the Leering Maenad is revealed to him. A part of you is wondering if you should have engaged in civilised debate with the revenant - perhaps ask him if it is better for each dungeon minion and monster to have its own separate dungeon chamber, or just herd all the barely formed monstrous spawn within one central lair, like a quarantine or trial guardhouse (qtg) - would that be too chaotic to manage or annoy people, because what if the monstrous spawn are barely formed and would wither and die within their own separate dungeon lairs - but you have no time to contemplate these imponderable conjectures.
When Cadarn unsheathes the Ornate Dragon Greatsword, a terrible rumbling shakes the entire subterranean chamber. You wonder to which dragon this greatsword has been consecrated - what sacred fluids have anointed its forging...?
(Yes it is of course the Sperm Dragon)
I wonder which nameless adventurer created such an abomination? Who has doomed the entire world and all creation...??? Who could have done this?