>>5751696As you approach the manager's office, you actually find him outside as he's finishing up a call.
The manager is a well-set man in his late forties, Kaba Renjiro, talking animatedly on the phone -- his bald head reflecting the office lights as he paces around the hallway.
<span class="mu-g">"...Yes, no. Don't worry. I'll make certain that Handa-san spares her voice leading up to your audition,"</span> Kaiba Renjiro says, opening the door to his office with his free hand before waving you inside. <span class="mu-g">"Your job is vitally important to us. Of course. Yes."</span>
His wrist sports a golden watch that catches your eye. Rolex.
How long would you have to save up for something like that?
Clearly, being Handa's manager is paying off for him.
You bob your head in gratitude and enter the office -- Handa Ako is already waiting inside and greets you with shallow bow and a smile.