>>5448594>>5448600>>5448651>>5448701"Alright, everrrrrybody... New rule. No more so long alone time."
You summarize your misadventures.
<span class="mu-r"> "So... In a couple of weeks, you antagonized the whole dwarven people, lost our golems, got beaten up by a collection of undead and ratmen, then stucked yourself in a mirror that shattered with you inside? How in the name of the mother are we still alive? </span>
- <span class="mu-b"> Well, not thanks to you, miss Arouse-the-knights</span>
- No name calling. As I had a bit of time to do some self-reflection, I found out something. About dad...
... And that's about it. What do you think?
- <span class="mu-g"> White dumb-dumb. White stuck in his own magic. </span>
- <span class="mu-b"> Do you have anything to bring to that discussion except other proof of your mental growth stunt? That was twenty minutes ago.</span>
- Welll, forrr one, I'd love to meet the rrrrest of ourrrr family... Orrrr contact mother again.Wait... Someone's coming!"
>83"It's the elves? What do they want?"
The elves are lead by their prince, Glorfindel Teleri. The one that gifted you much a couple month ago. He's only escorted by nine elven knights in shining armor. All of them dismount, and the guards kneel.
"Greeting, young sires. We came to request your assistance. The battle to come is easy, guaranteed win. Your presence is mostly to leverage our ranged destruction, and hope for no casualties. And starting to fight together will improve our bond and efficiency for future conflicts. Of course, you will be rewarded for your help."
>Accept the elven proposition>Ask for more details>Refuse politely>Write-in