Rolled 1, 9, 5 = 15 (3d10)
>>5854356>Level up, gaining HardAll those broken ribs were really helping Miz's pain tolerance. Still, while Hans did do house calls, a broken rib left Mizuchi laid up for longer than he could tolerate even with new anime to watch. He had a lot of money, and had run out of the initial stupid ideas he had for it. Time to think deeper than that for a moment.
>>5854367Instead, he puts his appearance as a theoretically legitimate business investor into focus. Putting out feelers, he gets a line on a small group of 4 freshly out of jail thugs who wanted out of the gang lifestyle. Perfect for Mizuchi to dupe into providing manpower at a premium for Tony's mostly legal operations! Sure, they were quite aggressively dedicated born again Christians, but that just meant they'd get on great with that Chinese crusader fellow. Dropping a healthy bonus on top of the hiring fee, he has them pull double hours at Tony's operations to further his image of community outreach.
>Hire the Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition) for $10k>Mizuchi sends the Talent Co. out to work at Rob's Construction (+2 Hard)>Mizuchi spends $10k to send the Talent Co. out to work at Larocca Sanitation>>5854360The idea that Miz wouldn't attend the first American taping of Ninja Castle was incredulous. Forgetting his injuries and donning his finest Soul Halloween Ninja Outfit, Mizuchi runs the gauntlet!
>Rolling with +4 Cool for Ninja CastleName: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $196,793
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Racing Spirit (Advantage on next Race Attempt)
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 13
Wanted Level: 1