Quoted By:
2037-12-10: A unit of the Illinois National Guard, supported by locals, prevents left-leaning members from attending a meeting of the state legislature in Springfield, resulting in a vote endorsing the exit of that state from the Progress Compact.
2037-12-08 to 2038-02-19: An utter lack of serious national response to either the riots or secessions affecting the nation have eroded the little authority the federal government still held to nil. Federal workers increasing fail to show up to work, and mass defections of the military become commonplace.
2037-12-16: Utah becomes the last state to meaningfully endorse a platform of reformation in a final push to preserve the integrity of the U.S.
2037-12-17: A meeting is held between representatives of Washington and Oregon to discuss the future of the two states.
2037-12-17: Recognizing the situation as virtually unsalvageable, Alaska once again chooses to ally with the Lewis and Clarke Compact.