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<span class="mu-i">Spider-Rat-Man eyes the wall. The faint trace of salt in the air, a low wind. It's a fake, somehow, it must move, and if it must move then it can move, and... yes. With a subtle click and the locking of cunning mechanisms, the wall rolls aside.
Faint light from below. The sound of distant waves.
A tunnel, but more, vaster, not quite a cave. Something water-slicked and salt-licked. The ocean must have carved it from the rock and the Slicerats taken over, turning what used to be a little crack in rock into a small, hidden rat-hole. Look, planks, industry, rats in...
... Masks? Not like ours, no, but masks, of a kind, filter-slung and thick. Corrosive resistant. They wear aprons. They have *clipboards*. They check things, and mutter, and in the distance against the far wall, something metallic hums away with gentle noise. And below all that, a low moan. There are people here not so allied with Rinik at all, and as Spider-Rat-Man leans and squints into the place, he senses them. Unfortunate souls, slumped against the far wall. They seem well fed, neither wretched nor hurt, but for all their able-bodied physique they sit listlessly, staring out the world with eyes that don't see. The light on the inside is missing.
This is no place of honor. What are Rinik little rats doing here?</span>