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The two of them left the bar in good order, the Dwarf having a slight grin on his face as they closed the door behind them.
“So who you thinkin’ of going for?” The Dwarf said as he gave a grin towards Lucian, “This Mason fellow sounds exactly like who we are looking for.”
“He does, and it might be right, but the other man. That Noble…” Lucian had been pondering himself on the mentioning of another investigator within their midst, “I do not like what I heard about him. If we are not careful then he might become an even greater problem than what we had to deal with before.”
“What you think he is? Turned Noble, Vampire maybe? Perhaps he is an unwitting minion of the Dark Gods.” The Dwarf joked as they began walking down the streets.
“Any of those cases would draw concern, wouldn’t they?” Lucian pointed out as they shook his head, “We should find him, if nothing else than making sure that he is not a foe we need to fight. If we do…”
“Should we get the Lizards with us?” The jovial tone he had was melting into something a little more firmer, “Just in case, mind ya.”
Lucian thought to himself before giving a nod, “Let's talk around a little more and get some information on him. Once we get a good location then we can bring in the two.”
“A sound plan then.” Adok said as he marched forward, “And by the Ancestor Gods I hope we find a better tavern than that one.”
“Why did you drink so much mead then? That drink was rotten.” Lucian told the dwarf offhandedly.
“We’ve been sleeping out in the boonies without approaching a city for a week. Any Dwarf wouldn’t complain at that point what mead they get, only that we get some damn drinks.” The Runesmith answered as they crossed into the next street, “Speaking of which…”
With those words the Dwarf inched them towards the next tavern.