>>5657711“A clone army? I wasn’t aware that the Separatists had the facilities.”
“Neither did we until it was almost too late.”
“So what exactly were you going up against?”
“The so-called Shadow Army was receiving extensive training by the last Morgukai, Bok, as well as Anzati assassins. They were making not only hard counters to our Clone Army, but Jedi Hunters as well.”
“That kind of escalation would certainly warrant Master Rancisis’ personal involvement.”
“Him, and many other Jedi Generals. Just to list a few, Quinlan Voss, Stass Allie, A’Sharad Hett, K’Kruhk, Alaya Secura, and Tholme.”
“And you as well.”
“…I was a general, but I’d had previous encounters with Morgukai that had Master Rancisis personally request my presence.”
“…his loss diminishes us all.”
“Aye. Battle meditation aside, we lost one of our order’s most brilliant strategists and thinkers.”
“…but in spite of that, you won the battle.”
“It took five months of keeping them on-planet, but we did. I led my army on a frontal assault to destroy an orbital-range ion cannon, which allowed our fleet to move into range for orbital strikes. Vos dueled and defeated the traitor Sora Bulq, and escaped just in time before our fleet bombed the Separatist citadel. Tholme sabotaged and destroyed any remains of their cloning capabilities.”
“I don’t suppose that you know where the other Jedi generals went?”
“Unfortunately, not. I was rotated off to bolster another front in the Outer Rim. Master Allie was the only one to have stayed behind for mop-up operations.”
“…do you know what happened to her?”
“…with the look on your face, Gaelle, I can make a guess.”
“I have regretfully confirmed her death…as well as Alaya Secura’s.”
“Felucia. Her and Barriss Offee…”
“…I did not know Offee. But Alaya…was a friend. She will dearly missed.”
>>Knight Bultar Swan - Human Guardian (Warden/Shien Expert)“You said you were at a medstation when Order 66 happened?”
“Yeah. I transferred there after the Battle of Coruscant. Master Yoda says that there’s no such thing as luck, but…in that moment, I was inclined to disagree.”
“How’d you escape?”
“The healers warned me. I had enough time to get off world before the Clones could find me.”
“Close call. And then…Kessel. What’d you do until you got into contact with Potkin?”
“She got in touch with me, actually. I was hiding in a Jedi bolthole when I got the call.”
“And you had no idea she was luring you into a trap.”
“…are you accusing me of something?”
“Of course not!”
“…just teasing you, Gaelle. But…no. I didn’t know. I genuinely thought…”
“…the last time we had a Jedi Purge was over four thousand years ago. It isn't something that happens every day.”
“Hah, that's quite the way to reframe it. Not much of a comfort, though.”