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<span class="mu-s">DAY 20</span>
After your field trip to the Lush Expanse, you head on to your final destination; the Plains of Oblivion.
Totally white and covered with snow, this ominous zone is very cold. The only reason you can land here now is because of the perpetual energy-dynamo you recovered for your ship- it runs hot all day, making the camp nice and warm and giving you a soft, stable spot for the ship and the onions to land on. As for venturing out... you'll have to deal with that when you come to it.
Yesterday, after experimenting with the Bulbmin, you decided to keep one in the cargo hold as a test. It was tricky keeping it seperated from Spudmin- you didn't want any risk of him getting infected or sick, but as it turns out it was unnecessary. The Bulbmin passed that night; it's little shrived body with no Green Pikmin even visible inside anymore. It appears that Green Pikmin infected a host is permanent and irreversible, and the zombie-like Bulbmin use up all of their body's resources and energy before finally dying. Any Bulbmin you make then would have to be temporary- though you haven't tried recycling them through a Candypop Bud- perhaps that might work...
In the meantime, you clear your head. There is no guarantee the final part will be easy to find. It could be buried under 20 days worth of snowfall. The signal it gives off is weak; strange as this final part is the all critical <span class="mu-i">Signal Booster</span> which is the only way to navigate through deep space and communicate with other planets and worlds far away. Even if it was the first part you found you doubt any other space ship could get to you fast enough for a rescue anyway; the fact it is the last part is just a cruel joke.
Now its time to explore this place and master it too. You're stocked up on food and the pikmin numbers swell- with flowers on their heads. You doubt you'll find any more resources here, so make it count.
>Investigate any hostile wildlife
>Search for landmarks
>Follow the Signal without delay