>>5411095>>5411117>>5411594>>5411600>potionsYou get this intriguing honeycomb vial concotion of mystery, it is probably safe to drink...
>roll 1d61 You scream: Werner Baumann! NOOOO! Do not acquire the accursed agrochemical Slayer Of The Bees for EUR61 BILLION! It is a TRAP! Helplessly you watch a nightmarish horror of wealth being shovelled into the glorious pyre; a pyre of carcinogenic dreams.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-bayer-monsanto-became-one-of-the-worst-corporate-dealsin-12-charts-115670015772 What an interesting novel this Die Verwandlung is, you ponder as pollen grains twitch upon your proboscis.
3 Well Aristaeus, why not take this brief respite offered in your toils and chase after that beautiful maiden Eurydice over there? It is not like she will die and then your bees will die and also some magician musician will have to journey into the underworld to recover her and fail and then also die.
4 You see now that bees are the tears of the Sun God Ra, descended from burning heaven into the parched desert sands.
5 You break out into a merry song:
Where the bee sucks. there suck I:
In a cowslip's bell I lie;
There I couch when owls do cry.
On the bat's back I do fly
After summer merrily.
Merrily, merrily shall I live now
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.
6 The words of a powerful ancient spell are bestowed upon your curious mind:
Sitte ge, sīgewīf, sīgað tō eorðan, [a]
næfre ge wilde tō wuda fleogan, [b:lit]
beō ge swā gemindige, mīnes gōdes, [c]
swā bið manna gehwilc, metes and ēðeles.[d]
Settle down, victory-women, sink to earth,
never be wild and fly to the woods.
Be as mindful of my welfare,
as is each man of border and of home.[4]
Sige is a homonym for both victory in war and sunset[2] and it is related to the Sigel (Sowilo) rune.
Jacob Grimm proposed wille instead of wilde for grammatical or poetic reasons but it does not fundamentally alter his translation.[6] Wilde means wildly, whereas wille means willfully, as well as a literal or figurative stream.[2]
Beo may mean both "bee" and "be thou".[2]
Eðel may be both the name of the Odal rune as well as having all of its variant implications ranging from home, property, inheritance, country, fatherland, to nobility.[2]