>>6122736"It is not the size of the member that endows pleasure, my dear Atticus. My slaves will cry out in pain if I just stick my virtus in without any care. But if I take the time to stroke the appropriate places, why even the most recalcitrant slave will weep with delight from the tenderness of my ministration."
"Julius, we are not speaking of the pleasure we give to mere chattels but the pleasure the chattels give to their owners. Come now; do not stray from the subject."
"Gentlemen, we turn and turn on the points of what pleases us! Loth Rex is the one seeking and should decide what is pleasing for her personal wants."
Their heads turn to you, waiting for a declaration of what you would want in a sex slave.
<span class="mu-r">"Thou lascivious foreign waves violating the shores of my Logres---"</span>
Your teeth grind with embarrassment and anger doubled by another, for King Lot is offended too. Offended that foreigners deem it fit to openly speculate in his presence what an august King would prefer in a bedmate. They awaited with bated breath to hear, as though <span class="mu-r">We</span> are some sort of common whore talking about what clients they prefer. This is an affront to the dignity of the King. Legatus Gaius and his Romans look baffled at the towering rage about to erupt.
It is at this time when someone amongst the servants interrupts with 'urgent news'. It is a prearranged sign to tell you that they caught the escapee. In addition, it is to inform the Romans of the violation of Camelot's sovereignty. Suppressing news of the escape would arouse suspicions from the Romans when they eventually hear of it from the Zama. So better to strategically inform them after a delay and pretend that news got in late because everyone was drinking.
With it, you master the anger boiling and prevent more ill-considered words from spilling forth. You reassure the Romans that the escapee will be caught, but there will be serious talk about this violation of your demands that no one from the Zama set foot in Camelot in the morning.
The party is over. The leader of the Romans orders one of his guards to immediately go to the Zama for a full report and then returns to his room with the rest.
It is tempting to get out of the Castle and go interrogate the escapee personally, but you make a personal decision to allow the Baphomets to do their jobs. They aren't incompetents and mistrusting their expertise to personally oversee their work is the mark of a busybody micromanager.
You go to bed instead and dream...
>The sight of battle and desperate cries filling the air....>Of a knight demanding a Duel...>The sight of a charging boar heading straight for you...>Casting your bloody sword and broken shield down...>Gallows full of men and women swinging at the end of a rope...>A young woman walking into a fast running river...>A dying knight cast upon the ground, a lance running through him...