>>5937878 >Maybe talk to Rakta about our own faith or beliefs, help her find something else that maybe she can believe in? You were worried about her and didn't know how to help.
Since you met her you had tried to get her to see the truth so that she would be free from her suffering and you have succeeded.
She no longer see a demon but a human ,and that has blurred in her understanding.
You try to offer her advice by showing a kinder path.
You had spoken about this, about the human gods and their comparison with those who were in this world.
She laughed softly with your words.
"I really appreciate that you try to take care of me.
And I find the notion that your human God could accept me very ironic.
But... Qothos never loved us like... Not even like an artist loves his works.
We were his tools. We are, I think.
And even though I'm starting to hate him, I can still use his miracles, I can call his voice.
Milagros said that he was no longer there, that he was a corpse that couldn't die.
Should I cry for losing a father who didn't love me?"
You continue your conversation about theology for a while, about faiths and if that is enough to create connections with the gods.
But it seems to you that her wound can only be healed with time.
There will never be closure, no answer to her questions.
And that is okay.
Accepting what is, is always the first step.
[Rakta understands the nature of her gods, she may call miracles from any divinity]
You start to clean up the camp a little, Hilda, I congratulate you for relaxing her.
"Look at you, acting the priest. Any words of wisdom for me before the battle?"
"With any luck, there won't be any fights."
"AH! Emilia's liquor made you funnier. "
She said passing you the roasted bug. It tastes odd, like a crab but drier.
What will you do?
>Talk to someone in the group(Who? What do you want to say?) >Make some preparations (Anything you want to do or leave out of the city?) >Go inside the city [Auto success] >Write in There was no vote to enter the city, I'm not going to force you.
The game of distortion will be open for prompt until you enter the dungeon, not the city.