>Plumbum Dulce>-Heat to melt: Twenty pund of coal to a pund in twenty minutes. Three pund less than Plumbum Nigrum[1], three pund more than Plumbum Candidum[2].>-Properties: Like all Plumbum, pliant and easy to smelt. Insufficient hardiness and lightweightedness to utilize as arms or armor. The inherent sweetness has lead to it being quickly used in foods. Through trial and error, it has additionally found use in inks and dyes, allowing them to dry faster. A scatterbrained apprentice spilled Spelter[3] into a solution of it once, and the result was a strange crystalline tree. More study may be needed.>-Effects: Svartalfar smelters enjoy a paler, near-alabaster countenance, which has lead to some of our women to seek its use as a cosmetic by frequenting the forges. Shadows seem to enjoy the fumes even moreso, citing a prickling in their bodies that makes them tougher, if slower. One Shadow childe even claimed to have exposed a hand to Solaire's hateful gaze after imbibing Dulce, and had his fingers mostly intact after. Study continues.1. A metal found in curiously shaped toppled columns in the southmost mountains, with interiors containing fanciful limestone formations. Regular inscriptions point to intentional design, though purpose remains unknown. Page 325.
2. A metal said to have been integral to auld constructs of Aes[3]. Page 500.
3. An alloy of Plumbum Candidum and Ankh[4], used in much construction before the split[5].
4. A metal used by the auld peoples[5] before Aes's discovery. Page 290.
5. "Chronicles of Our Origins".
"Terra's Bones: On Metals and Minerals. 3rd Edition"
Action 1: Construct City Jointly With Skrit To Develop And Test Shadow Ants
>To all whom it may concern: The Seer Of Shadow hath decreed a new city must be built on our northmost reaches, 'twixt river Shamal's curve and lake Thulj's girth, that it may be protected from all who languish under Solaire's delusions.>Further, he hath decreed it be built in cooperation with the Skrit of the east, with whom we are to reach a temporary, mayhap aeternal accord.>Fret not for yar souls, for a tenner brotherhood of priests shalt accompany, to aid thar platitudes of Terra, and prepare the Skritkin for the ritual of Tenebrium.>Din barm, vår vugge.- Public Announcement parchment in Fuaha public square.
Action 2: Construct "Fortress" On Border with Guliseare
>Finished:>-Arrow slits>-Chimneys and camouflage>In Progress:>-Lifts at two thirds>-Tunnels to murderhole at half>-Began work on underground latrine foldable ventilation covers>I require the following for this month:>300 10 tomme by 4 fot fir columns>20 pulleys>10 tonne of Dulce mead>500 fot of rope>4 pickaxes- Foreman Arvid Bani
Monthly report on Hilsen construction.