Quoted By:
You plan to continue down the path of that orc that you ate, but if you wanted to make a detour to somewhere you probably could, were you to want to stash something you’d most likely have to make space for it.
<span class="mu-s">Where to now?</span>
HP: 17/16 MP: 14/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 3]
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]
STATUS: [Satiation level: A bit satisfied] [Satiated: Overhealed at +1 HP]