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Okay. So I looked at the data of the votes in the last two days. And I wanted to share what I at least saw to see what other Anons think as there is after all a discussion of possible samefagging.
The first one was taken an hour after I voted, that is number one in this larger image.
The second was when I went to bed, I think 3 or 5 hours after the initial posting.
Third, was when I woke up (at around 7 in the morning) on my phone.
The fourth one is one I took before going to bed yesterday.
Today, at this current time it stands 13 for Stratocratic, 11 for nobility.
Now, I am not taking a stance on whether there is samefagging or not. Since the data can mean several different things. One case I can give for the wave-like behavior for each vote type might be where the people in the world are voting live. Generalized societal groups voting more one than the other at different times of the day. The one thing I do find strange was the case of (I didn't take a picture of it) while in school I saw nobility go up by one, and when i checked again, Stratocratic had gained two successive votes. And neither has moved since.
But I wanted to post my observations of how it progressed because I want to see other Anon's conclusions. what do yall think?