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You lead the way upstairs, towards the staff facilities. Doctor Piarski said something about there being a staff room exclusively for the people who work in the intensive care unit, in order to keep them separate from the rest of the institute's employees. You're not sure what to expect, but you prepare yourself for the worst.
At the top of the staircase, there isn't even a door. It just opens into the lounge, which is... entirely mundane.
It's an expansive room, dotted with several small tables and plenty of comfortable armchairs. In one corner, there's a kitchen unit with all of the essentials; a fridge, a sink, a microwave, a coffee machine and so on. A few desks are lined up along one wall, complete with desktop computers, while a widescreen television is mounted on another. There's also a handful of doors, most of which leads into offices if their signage is to be believed. You're almost disappointed by how plain everything is.
There's thirteen people in total, over half of whom appear to be civilians. You count five nurses and what appear to be two doctors, based off of their outfits. A couple of them are making urgent phone calls, one is frantically tapping away at a computer and the rest are having a heated argument with the security personnel. There are two black-clad troopers from Hampton & Holt cradling their assault rifles as well as four security guards, each with a handgun at their hip.
As soon as your pack bursts into the room, everything changes.
The sight of Alex in her war form reduces almost all of the civilians to gibbering idiots as Delirium kicks in. They scramble towards towards doors and under tables, whimpering and sobbing and wailing, all except for the doctor at the computer. She continues to tap away at the keyboard with even greater urgency, barely looking in your direction.
As for the six gun-totting men, they seem unaffected by the primordial terror caused by Crinos, much like the duo from Hampton & Holt that you fought outside. You're not sure how they're able to resist Delirium but as soon as they see you, they're all fumbling for their weapons, barking orders at each other and preparing to open fire. It looks like a fight is inevitable.
First of all, how do you want to fight?
>Remain in Glabro. You want to stick to a form that won't cause Delirium and the superior range of your rifle may come in handy.
>Shift into your war form. You want to be at your most effective in battle. (You will spend 1 Will [Shapeshift].)
Second of all, who do you want to target first?
>Focus on the Hampton & Holt troopers. They're the most likely to have silver ammunition.
>Go for the doctor at the computer. Whatever she's up to, you want to put a stop to it right now.
>Prioritise maximum damage. Take out as many enemy combatants as you can, as fast as you can.