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<span class="mu-g">Arch Magos ADM1N: They do not have an answer to my question. As I understand it we will already have issues with the Arch Dominus’s relationship with Commander Horus Lupercal but can we risk the Acillians too?
Arch Magos R3KT: It is evident the problems are all originating from Arch Dominus TalOS’s potential association. Arch Dominus TalOS, do you think the Emperor who Horus claims to be the son of is also your creator?
Arch Dominus TalOS: I believe so Arch Magos R3KT and Horus Lupercal already understand this fact too. We should move forward operating on the premise that he holds equal intellectual capacity to myself in all interactions going forward.
Arch Magos K00LT: That is troubling. If the theory is that you are both created it is easily hypothesized that you will have more ‘brothers’. Does my theory hold any ground, Arch Magos R3KT or Arch Dominus TalOS?
Arch Dominus TalOS: I believe I speak for Arch Magos R3KT as well that it indeed holds merit. While our genetic makeup is complexe and closer to techno-sorcery I can affirm that if two exist there are more.
Arch Magos R3KT: Affirmed.
Arch Magos ADM1N: Do we argue to make sure both TalOS and the Acillians are under Mechanicum Jurisdiction or join to use the weight of Mars as well in this scheme? Arch Dominus TalOS, as the Acillians are under your jurisdiction you should have the right to voice your opinion or affirm your own judgment in lue of the High Court.
Arch Dominus TalOS: I voice the opinion that we use the full weight of the Mechanicum. I do wish to meet my creator and examine law if he holds some form of rights for my anatomy within Martian regulation. Do I have your support?
Vote: Yes(Y)/No(N)
Vote: Yes=12 No=0
Arch Dominus TalOS: As I am the rights holder and their operator, I shall declare our judgment if that is fine with Arch Magos ADM1N. I shall request audience with Horus Lupercal after this to rationalize agreements, his opinions, and create a simulation Matrix for him.
Arch Magos ADM1N: Your plan is sound, I agree.</span>