Quoted By:
>Now's the time, kill the damn cricket!
Jimena is finally starting to feel the impurities in her Soul Gem- but that’s a story for another day! She balls up -both- fists to keep the rhythm going, to push herself to the finish line
and her blood spins inside her!
>>ᕙ (M4 Magical Affinity λ Roll: 47 = Success)<< (Power Up.)
The brunette’s face twists to surprise as she sees Lifa doing her exact same pose, as she catches the faint sound of gears spinning somewhere, both inside of the yurimancer and her Hawk.
ರೃ Lifa: Guess what! I can overclock myself too!
Voice from the Cricket: Eh, report?
‘Suit yourself’, thinks Jimena, focused like very few other times. One final push; that’s all it will take. Promising herself that, Jimena bounces the hand on her whip against the floor, then flings it forward with enthusiasm at the slightly gasping Lifa, at the already acceptant-of-death Cricket, only for the Hawk itself to grab the Cricket with that thick claw at the very last quarter of a second
and push it out of the way.
>>ᕙ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 35 = Failure)<< (Grab the Cricket.)
And in that very motion, as if swimming through the air, the Hawk with its kite-like wings spins as it dives down straight at Jimena like a drill from heaven, suddenly faster, only for Jimena to vault on it to the skies and then punch it from the air-
a punch that the Hawk simply deflects with a sturdy wing.
>>ᕙ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 76 = Success)<< (Dodge the Hawk.)
>>ᕙ (M5 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 4 = Failure)<< (Destroy the Hawk.)
Stuck in the air, Jimena at least gets to swallow when she notices Lifa about to swing the corpses of her late guardians as if they were a big, weird chakram. Deforming her body to the point it’s almost liquid, Jimena manages to cleanly maneuver around it, yet just barely, as the tip of a bone blade grazes her stretched vTuber ass.
>>ᕙ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 74 = Success)<< (Dodge Lifa.)
Finally landing, Jimena regains her shape as she tumbles; any of those hits would have /hurt/ if they landed on her. Lifa wasn’t joking about the overclocking part, even now the tomboy can hear those gears inside of them going nuts. Panting, yet at least barely dressed in ketchup, Jimena decides that this can’t keep going.
This time, she stomps on the ground
and that stomp echoes inside of her.
>>ᕙ (M4 Magical Affinity λ Roll: 59 = Success)<< (Power Up.)