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Dr. Goldwater quickly complies with the agent's instructions, sprawling himself facedown on the floor. He places his right hand behind his head as his wounded left arm lies motionless. "Enough of this nonsense!" you bellow. "I am the PISS LORD OF THE NTH DIMENSION, and you will-"
"Shut up!" the agent demands, holding the bore of his gun inches from your face. "You are under arrest for assaulting a federal agent! Show me your hands!"
"Dr. Goldwater, apprehend this knave at once!" you command.
"No!" shouts Dr. Goldwater defiantly. "I don't care what dimension you're the piss lord of, I'm not helping you terrorize these innocent people!"
Damned! Your one faithful servant has betrayed the cause! This looks like the end of the line for you. You have only one last hope: the poop in your intestines. You don't feel a strong urge to poop, but if you muster all your strength, you may be able to force enough out to make one last attack.
>There's still hope! Attack the agent
>Always kill a traitor before an enemy! Attack Dr. Goldwater
>Be a little bitch and give up