Quoted By:
You are adrift on the Sparking Sea.
The engine, a wounded beast, is dying slow, rent by munitions and horror.
The tunnels fill with smoke, ash-tinged and grey, from the funeral pyre that has become of the front carriage - the hungry stain of heat crawling down the wood and vines and roots and growths and inching ever closer to your compartment and all the fresh fuel within.
The superconductive high capacity wiring below you stretch off and into the smoke-tinged distance, heights blurring, dimensions adrift in darkness and ash and smoke and heat and sparks.
You have no control of the carriage system.
You have no supplies - they are all burning in the front.
You have no viable escape. You may think Silver Chariot provides such a life-boat oppertunity, but the master lock that NeoGenesis engaged slaves it to follow the train, and with the destruction of the front operations cabin, you can no more access the wireless overrides that you can squeeze water from a rock.
Perhaps if any of you knew electronic engineering you could attempt a hotwire and roll back down the line - towards Security Captain Caliper, fireteam Anathan, REGENTs force, UDUG and all their ilk, and the tunnelflies and crawlers and Those Who Become and the Howling Cloud and who knows what.
Those of you who can catch their breath - hot, smoke tinged, harder to breathe as it is, oxygen already slowly fading from this tunnel system which, let us not squeeze past the problems of underground ventilation, no steady flow of fresh O2.
It is hot.
It is growing hotter.
You are going to die.
It is the end of the line.
You may take a downtime action if you wish. Perhaps simply brace for the inevitable. If you can recover at all, you have recovered. It doesn't do you a lot of good, unless you are simultaneously immune to super conduction, heat-shock, oxygen deprivation, starvation, dehydration, chemical destruction and a host of other ills.
>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.
Here are some suggestions:
>Lament my mistakes (Will 10)
>Rage against the merciless gods as if my own hubris had not mercilessly laid me low (Will 10)
>Externalize my blundering mistakes by blaming other people to maintain my fragile self image and preserve my frayed confidence (Duplicity)
>Find Someone To Blame (Duplicity)
>Shoot myself in the head with a gun (Gun-handling skills)
>Shoot someone else in the head with a gun (Gun-handling skill)
>Steady myself and then jump off of the carriage. At least if I hit the wires it will be quick (Adroit check to dive)
>Accept the monumental enormity of my mistakes and Just Let Go (No cost, no skill, always available, always hits)
>Something else?