>>6072022“I should take a moment to myself,” you say to Rubida, who nods in understanding. Salicera glances at you.
“Ready for what?”
“The molten spring ceremony,” you sigh. “I failed last time, remember? I want to try again, and I need a moment to gather my thoughts and to hold on to what really matters. I am not doing this alone, but I feel like I am doing this for myself.”
Salicera purses her lips.
“Well— we both watched the same puppet show, didn’t we? Saint Kishirra also did gain some… benefits for herself. I mean— she did get what she wanted. I just think it is alright if you also take into account your own care.” She shrugs. “I can’t say anything else for now. If anything else… if you don’t care about yourself, at least care about me who cares about you.” She chuckles. “That did not come out right.”
“No— I think I get it.” You reach out to Salicera’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “I feel like I understand your previous words about Kishirra a little better now,” you whisper. “I need to be alone for a while.”
“Oh, I am doing my thing.” She turns, takes a few steps and claps her hands, gathering the eyes of the crowd. “Come on people! Aren’t we about to witness a sensational ceremony? Who is excited about the molten spring? Who wants to see me stand on my head while you are waiting?”
As a lot of hands raise, especially children’s, you silently thank her.
“Come on this way,” Rubida and Soralisa escort you, covering you with their bodies. You find a nice spot in the middle of the communal orchards which has been left alone as the crowd moves on. You sit against an apple tree, holding onto your knees as you try to take a deep breath and calm down.
Last time you failed because you didn’t believe yourself worthy of Ansàrra’s protection. And as such… you felt the searing heat of the iron pellets and halted — you couldn’t take the leap.
But you have grown in the meantime.
You are not the same young woman. You have been inside the mouth of the Night, and you have emerged victorious. Thanks to your friends.
“The Night is patient,” you whisper to yourself. “For all the good it’s going to do it.”
Then you close your eyes and plunge into your inner world as if you were getting ready for a Sanction, preparing yourself for the task.
>Sum of Six: roll 6d6 (one per reply) and sum up the rolls. The resulting number will be added to all your checks relative to the molten spring.>i.e. you roll: 3,4,5,2,1,1 total 16 = your rolls will all apply a +16 bonus (on top of any others)>Remember that dubs, trips etc. bonuses still apply (so if you roll a 4 but you get a dub your total will be 10)