Quoted By:
I was lead by Dàdǎn-Mang personally across the ways he knew around his hometown area. He lead me to some place secluded away from his commune, yet not too far away as to be totally remote. Some place that was barren and used as a hideaway for his gang. But moreover, for the cultists that originally recruited them all. It was a snug hideaway, tucked below into a small cave. It was unremarkable on the outside, but the inside was lit by the sunlight and torches below.
Dàdǎn-Mang and Yaozhi arrived with me in tow, but he turned around he motioned for me to stay put. This was, after all, his moment. I was going to respect his wishes to not get involved, no matter what happens, just as he asked me to.
He took in a deep breath.
[DADAN-MANG] "Showtime, ladies."
He jumped down with Yaozhi into the cave, before his gang and the cultists of KILLALL. I merely listened. His gang all greeted him with open arms and enthusiasm, and I heard a pale voice asking if he'd come at last to serve the will of the "free people". He snorted, and declared.
[DADAN-MANG] "Naaaaahhhh!"
His gang was shocked.
[DADAN-MANG] "Enough is enough. I think we've all had our BELLYFULL of you an yer cloaked freaks tryna' twist us around and make us obey like dogs!"
But soon, they rallied behind him. It seemed that they shared his sentiment of rebelling against their Khanate recruiters. Rebelling against becoming puppets of the Dark One.
[DADAN-MANG] "Now, Usultu, ya listen to me! Yer hide ain't welcome around here anymore! Ya get gone or else, ya get me, ya FFFFRRRREAK?!"
I heard his gang cheering, backing him against the cultists.
Then I heard them all go silent.
Dàdǎn-Mang's voice taken from him just like that. Myriad wounds suddenly open on his body, all over the place, spilling his blood.
[???] "I had hoped you would have turned out better than this. It seems I am wrong. You are a failure of a demigod after all. My hopes of creating one to rally all criminals behind are dashed yet again... so take this little punishment I can bestow. I should have not given you this power."
...Given him?
But Dàdǎn-Mang claimed he stole the demigodhood he wielded...
[DADAN-MANG] "Y... Ye... weren't supposed tah say that..."
He did steal it. He stole it from the original candidate, and turned out better. But this... Usultu. He allowed it.
He allowed it in order to try growing Dàdǎn-Mang into a new puppet to command for the Khanate.
[MAJORDOMO] "M-Munny...?! What are you doing?! Why are you just standing there while he bleeds out?! S-Save him!"
'...I have to respect his wish.'
[MAJORDOMO] "To hell with his wish! He's dying down there! That attack wounded him gravely! G... GO KICK SOME ASS AND STOP HIM FROM DYING!"
I took a step towards the cave mouth, looking down inside at the bleeding Dàdǎn-Mang, who was brought to his knees.
[???] "Stop." The pale voice ahead said.
And then it started moving, into the light.
[YAOZHI] "Th-The totem! It... it can walk?!"