Quoted By:
>...”from then on, it will become a battle of attrition.”
<span class="mu-g">-Accept the sealing of power.
-Ask for food.
-Ask how many people will be coming, magical girls and whatever these Toys are.
-Mingle with those present. Friends are to be made.</span>
<span class="mu-s">F</span>irst everything became worms, then there are five more everythings. Clearly, misery doesn’t mind age. Sunny’s beating heart is all Helen wants to think about for now- there’s just too much.
卌 <span class="mu-s">A</span>: <span class="mu-i">Did Helena pass out?</span>
卌 <span class="mu-s">Sunny</span>: <span class="mu-i">I do think she might be sleeping. I may have to ask my dearest Coordinator to bring a pillow for my knees since it seems I’ll be staying here for a while.</span>
Alas, Helen unglues herself from Sunny’s chest. The little girl thinks that with so little to defend herself she will end up used again, from which knowing the biggest kids in the room could save her. There is no time to rest when there are friends to be made.
卌 <span class="mu-s">Sunny</span>: <span class="mu-i">Rise and shine, sweetie.</span>
卌 <span class="mu-s">A</span>: <span class="mu-i">Helena, have you been mute all your life?</span>
A waits for Helena to answer; the little girl shakes her head, her crimson hair dancing around.
卌 <span class="mu-s">A</span>: <span class="mu-i">I see. Perhaps it was the shock of becoming a Magical Girl.</span>
The Coordinator grabs her notepad, unaware that the front page reads ‘you fucking dumbass’.
卌 <span class="mu-s">A</span>: <span class="mu-i">I need my files, so I’ll go look for something fitting for you. Stay with Sunny.</span>