Quoted By:
Which is not to say that you are Ellery. You're clearly not. If you twisted a smidge harder, maybe you could be, but God! Could you imagine? Neither of you would be pleased, as an understatement, and it isn't necessary. This situation is simpler. It is like this: he and you are in a large bright warm room, and there's a line in chalk on the floor, and your side of the line is yours, and his side his. But it's only chalk. You can see and hear everything he has over there, and you can go over there, if you like, if he doesn't muscle up and try to stop you. A binding, not a merger.
Like That Guy, you hear, from his side of the room, and you see blue eyes, a blue pen, a clean coat, a shave, a smile, guilt, guilt, anger, grief, loss, guilt, for killing him, letting him be killed, for being him and making no good use of it at all. For fucking spitting on his good name.
Um, you were going to say like Richard. (Normal Richard. Not when he's squished into you.) Or maybe Teddy, if you understand what's going on there correctly. Maybe more like Teddy, since with you and Richard, Richard's cozied up behind a one-way mirror. You're distracting yourself again. The truth is that you're not sure you want to know what makes you different. All the answers you ever get are unpleasant. You just feel like you need to know. You intuit that you need to know. See? Focus.
>[1] Well? What makes you different from Ellery? (Write-in.) All answers accepted: don't feel pressured to be "right". I may use multiple responses if I get them. I probably won't include joke answers in the narrative, though, fair warning.
Also, sorry for the out-of-left-field take on this: this is a very, very tricky update to write. I'm working my way toward the central point the long way around, pls trust. [THEN] will come in a bit.