>>5974535>>5974533>5<span class="mu-r">Guard will remember this. [Chance of Consequences 5%->10%]</span>
The prickling feeling of being watched doesn't ease, but without your command implant active you have little way to verify if the Guardian AI is bearing down on you. Perhaps that's a good thing in terms of your sanity, but you'd rather be forewarned than ignorant any day.
"Well, this analysis might take some time, especially if I have to implement a local only backup." EoN sniffs, "The least you can do is explain yourself."
<span class="mu-i">This is going to be a long day..."</span>
We're nearing the end of page 10 so I'll call the thread here. I'll post the new one in a few days and we'll pick up right where we left off.
Thanks everyone for reading. If you have any feedback or comments, I'd welcome them. Either here, in /qtg/ or over at the /qst/ discord.
Also, don't forget to vote for Kiro as best boy! Suggestions for fun art for the competition would be good too.