>>6116385There were three options. You rolled a 1d2, you previous commented a need for linking to posts. There was no post. The only thing in this thread that is 1d2 is a FRED.
With how close the thread is to the end of the board I figured you wanted to just "go for it". So for my lack of understanding your intent, Mea Culpa.
No drama, no hardship, no bad feelings. Its a 4chan quest like every other. You and any other player are welcome to co-gm, and redo results as needed to ensure a smooth industrial process of optimized dopamine release.
>>6116354>>6116355The Idiosis menaces the pirates ever closer to the stricken Clown world, the machine letting out a long and eerie undulating honk. Its death honk. The foul radioactive smoke pours from it, leaking out of horns and fissures in it's armor. There is an explosion, a flash of blue and and white, fading into a sunset. Radioactivity spikes in the immediate area, and local sensors from various factions pick this up.
Near ground zero stands a charred but otherwise intact Idiosis. Ruination all around, complete and total. It's pilot engages in another self destructive vice. The shuttle was obliterated in the blast, already fragile. The corsairs suits were turned into warped parodies of their former selves, a permanent tomb for the pilots. Finally the clownworld...for all its mirth and beauty, was only in this cruel world for a moment. It was an indifferent place, Venus. On his sensors, he noticed an incoming strike force, no doubt attracted to the violence....A small object near the wreckage of clownworld caught his eye. Control rods. Just two. Better than nothing. An automated claw reached out from the Idiosis and grabbed the rods with scarcely contained greed, feeding them into the hulking metal hull. An optimistic man would view them as second chances, he viewed them as extra time.
>Idiosis may reroll 2 crit fails of it's nuclear weapon.