>>5750783Finally, the Heretic answers, explaining: “It will attune you to the Hellish Realms, you understand… Not the Darkness Beyond and Below. Your magic will be demonic.”
“What is the difference?” Halle asks, ignorantly.
“The lesser shadows which we call ‘demons’ and ‘devils’ are beneath the Dark Gods,” you quickly reply.
“…And yet a Demon Prince is a formidable force, indeed,” the Heretic notes. “In matter of fact, a demon is an immortal creature, and by their acquisition and absorption of mortal souls they become not UNLIKE a God… And if the Hellish Realms’ powers are different in source and in their particulars, there ARE broad similarities. If you could wield the powers of a Greater Demon, and feed upon mortal beings to maintain that power… You COULD effectively become an equal to a demigod.”
This is the power Hapo and Hako sought, you recognize, as the (false) Dragonwrought of Bloodrise. It filled you with shame and disgust at the time, but that was then, and this is now. Your priorities and outlook have changed, evolved. You will not TRUST in demons, not make DEALS with them… But to wield their power, to make yourself TRULY sovereign?
Yes, that you could do.
“We need only the heart of the Great Green Dragon of old then,” your Archer says, excited.
“And the demon,” the Infiltrator chimes in. “Just because the Dragonborn knows what power-source he seeks, does not mean we can just snatch a Greater Demon up as if plucking grubs from a bug-farm.”
“I know where the heart was last kept.”
You and your associates now turn once more the Heretic, who spoke up but quietly, and who recoils from so much focused attention.
“I—I was asked to study it, once… In ways which the Old Ways forbid, to apply my… Unique expertise, as you have come to me to request now for yourselves.”
“Where?” you demand.
He flinches, but shakes his head.
“I… I request recompense, Superior One.”
“Sanctuary and sustenance, then?” you ask. “Well, I already planned to invite you to stay in Bloodrise. IF that is all—”
“No,” he interrupts. “that is not… ALL.”
You stare at him, and the gangly, spindly creature shrinks in upon himself.
“I seek… Status. To not be forced to hide away, or to be made to suffer the… The disgust and condescension of the Pureblooded Ones. I wish to be made whole… Better than whole!”
What will you offer the Heretic, if he can help enable your ascent?
>A position of nobility and prestige in Bloodrise, to make him superior in status>The services of your Fleshweaver Queen, to make him whole in body>A bespoke Amulet of Disguise, to allow him to hide his stigma and go where he will>His miserable life, if he delays you no longer with this insulting insubordination [Intimidation]>Write-in